Brain MRI Test: Detects Many Diseases
A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine scans the body and gives information about internal organs. Magnetic fields and radio waves are used that produce detailed images of the organs. Usually, MRI scans are used to detect brain, bones, and muscles, such as soft tissue, chest, tumor-cancer, stroke, dementia or, migraine, blockage of arteries, and genetic disorders. This test is done for accurate information about the disease. Brain MRI means a test of the brain. It is a method of diagnosis in which clear images of the brain are produced with the help of magnetic fields, radio waves, and computers. Brain problems can be detected with the help of brain MRI. It is one of the most sensitive imaging tests for the brain. It can provide detailed images of the parts of the brain that are not possible in CT scans and X-rays. Why is a brain MRI done? Brain MRI is often used to detect conditions that affect the brain . · Birth defect ...